Fight against cancer

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012

The Mass of the Planets

I only want to review a different measure unit, the unit for the mass of the planets, at least the Solar System planets.

The calculation of the mass of the planets is outside the scope of this entry.

Both for measure the mass of the Solar System planets as for measure the mass of other different types objects and planets of this and other solar systems, we use as reference the mass of the Earth.

Thereby, for heavier planets or stelar objects, the value will be greater than 1. Whereas that for lighter ones the value will be smaller than 1.

And only if has the same mass as the Earth, the mass value will be 1.

But what's the real value (in kilograms) that represents the mass of the Earth as 1?
The response is, aproximately 5,9 x 1024 kg

In this way, all masses will be expressed related to the Earth mass. The mass unit is "Earth"

I list here some interesting masses:

ObjectType(Relative mass aproximately) Earth
The SunStar333000
MercuryTerrestrial Planet0,06
VenusTerrestrial Planet0,82
EarthTerrestrial Planet1
MarsTerrestrial Planet0,11
JupiterGas Giant Planet317,8
SaturnGas Giant Planet95,2
UranusGas Giant Planet14,6
NeptuneGas Giant Planet17,2
CeresDwarf Planet0,00016
PlutoDwarf Planet0,82
HaumeaDwarf Planet0,0007
MakemakeDwarf Planet0,0007
ErisDwarf Planet0,0028
The MoonNatural Satellite0.0123

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